Project Description
Bury transport museum was housed within an old railway siding shed. The trustees of the museum obtained funding to refurbish the museum and the surrounding areas.
In order to upgrade the museum buildings there was a need to consider the exhibits and how they operate. One consideration was the storage of warm steam locomotives and the effect that this would have on other exhibits and the building services such as the fire alarm.
By closely being involved with the trustees and volunteers Bevis was able to bring all parties together and derive the most efficient practical solution.
The end result was a museum which the people of the north west will be able to enjoy and pass on historical knowledge to future generations.
The buildings which were refurbished were of a traditional build quality and due to the size of the steam locomotives being exhibited presented a number of issues relating to maintenance. Such as working at heights in excess of 10M above the floor. By using innovative engineering practices these difficulties were successfully overcome.